Information Release:
At The Smooth Movers we take the threat of Covid-19 very seriously. Therefore we have implemented strict new measures for our staff to ensure the safety of other team members as well as our valued clients and the wider community.
- Trucks will be assigned to staff who have their own transport to the office.
- On arrival to the depot the removalists will not interact with the office staff. The forklift driver will not be in direct contact with the office staff or the removalists.
- Team members are not collected at the office anymore.
- All removalists will be assigned to permanent teams and they may not deviate from these teams.
- Removalists will not attend the office where possible.
- In the event that they have to attend the depot, they may not enter the office. If they must enter the office, they must announce their arrival in advance, not shake hands, not stand close to each other and make sure they are using the hand sanitiser provided.
- If staff need to collect materials, the materials will be collected from the shed in a drive-by manner, that means they will not attend the office, but they will collect the items they need, and go straight home with the truck.
- Job sheets will be distributed daily through WhatsApp Groups. If ICRs are required, we will arrange for these to be distributed through a method TBC.
- As part of this effort to contain the spread of this virus, The Smooth Movers are instructing all staff to avoid public places.
- This instruction extends to meeting up with other permanent teams. Different teams are not be meeting up.
- Anyone team members found to be blatantly ignoring these strict instructions, will be stood down from duties until such a time that this virus is declared to be under control.
- Wash their hands regularly. We recommend maintaining this practice regularly by setting a repeating timer on the phone/watch.
- Regularly and thoroughly clean their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water – We will be requesting that they have soap and towels available.
- Maintain Social Distancing at all times
- Maintain at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance between themselves and anyone else where possible.
- Avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth
- Practise Respiratory Hygiene, i.e to cover their mouth and nose with their bent elbow or tissue when they cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
- If they have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
- Stay home if they feel unwell. If they have a fever, cough and have difficulty breathing, they need to seek medical attention
- Follow the directions of their local health authority