The process of moving your business from one location to another is not an easy one. Whether you are moving for more space, to be closer to customers or for better rent prices, there is a lot to think about. Your equipment, people, clients to inform, and more. Any delays in the process could cause […]
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Moving is stressful. It is physically hard, mentally draining and an emotional time as you leave your old place and start something new. Despite how tough this is, often people think of saving a few bucks. Do it yourself and you can save money as well as the hassle of looking for people you can […]
Read MoreOftentimes, relocating from one place to another involves a significant amount of collateral waste. From adhesive tape to bubble wrap, we tend to use generous amounts of disposable plastic packaging to transport our possessions. Since only 14 per cent of plastic waste in Australia is recovered for recycling, these materials end up in landfill, damaging […]
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